Advanced Uninstaller Pro 19.9 is the best uninstaller for Microsoft Windows. A complete set of services that can help you uninstall software efficiently, including the obstinate programs which can be uninstalled. Over 25 different tools assist you to perform everything related to uninstalling, cleaning record tracks and eliminating programs, plugins, and a variety of items. All top features of Advanced Uninstaller PRO are made to be both safe and simplistic to use.
You may uninstall programs instantly and entirely which consists of an easy and user-friendly user interface, by selecting the application form from a list, or by dragging and dropping the file or shortcut. It can also remove a whole lot of items which other uninstallers can’t even touch. It could repair destroyed registry entries, clean non-functional Start Menu shortcuts, uninstall annoying web browser toolbar, plugins, remove fonts and get rid of startup programs that run in the background and decelerate your computer. With Advanced Uninstaller PRO it is possible to eliminate a program, making certain nothing is left behind.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO Crack also equipped for deleting cookies and web history from Windows, as well as delete documents and folders in a manner that helps prevent them from being retrieved, even by data restoration software. Additionally, it may remove internet browser toolbars that could hamper your surfing experience. The program is mainly made to be clear, fast, accurate and intuitive. Readable information and help are easily available throughout this program, guiding you every step. It helps your personal computer run at full acceleration by taking proper care of the Windows registry and services. Also, it can help you free drive space by discovering and getting rid of duplicate data and assisting you to start the Windows disk compression if needed. This program can delete the net browsing and report applications opening in the background, which means you can surf the web and wide open images, videos and any file without stress. Additionally, it may defend your to personal privacy by shredding the data and folders you select so that they don’t ever be retrieved. Together with the latest Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13, you have all the tools you will need to uninstall programs, increase and fix your personal computer, protect your privacy, remove plenty of aggravating plugins, toolbars and web browser cookies that other cleaning tools don’t find and remove
Primary functions of Advanced Uninstaller Pro 19.9:
- Easily uninstall applications and programs. This program works faster than Windows Control panel Add / Remove, and has an instant and convenient search function.
- Disable or delete programs that run at startup.
- Delete the left-behind files by the Add / Remove section following the uninstall program.
- Manage the fonts installed on your pc.
- Hide, screen or organize your Start menu shortcuts. Automatically find and erase shortcuts that not focus on your desktop.
- Uninstall WEB BROWSER toolbars and plug-ins.
- Find and erase junk files.
- Clears recently opened files log in programs such as Windows Multimedia Player, Microsoft Office, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, WinAmp, etc.
- Clear Internet history (web pages you visit, cookies, etc.).
- Straighten of the data files & registry codes related to software.
- That can also be provided the capacity to backup documents from the set of install software on the machine and the ability to restore them.
- Advanced Uninstaller also views the set of install applications using their own icon.
- Advanced Uninstaller shows all detail of installed software such as name, developers, software type, unit installation path.
How to correctly Install & Crack Advanced Uninstaller PRO 19.9 full crack
- Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO Crack from the links given below.
- After Downloading the setup Install as Normal.
- After Installing the entire Software, disable it.
- Now Run the Crack & paste this file into C/Program data.
- You did it.
- Now Begin using this program & Enjoy it.